Monday, February 9, 2009

Why blue is green

Let us count the ways . . .

1. Produced with renewable energy—wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal, solar, and ocean—as well as with water and waste carbon dioxide, Blue Fuel can be carbon dioxide-neutral. In other words the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere during combustion is equal to that captured from the industrial plant flue gases to produce it. This mitigates global warming, the ultimate in green! What’s more, when combusted at a facility such as a gas-fired power generation plant where the carbon dioxide can be captured and reused to produce more Blue Fuel, it can be carbon dioxide-negative. Closing the carbon loop results in Blue Fuel that’s . . . greener than green!

2. Even when produced with fossil fuels, such as natural gas and coal, the net amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere during combustion can still be lower than diesel—if green production processes are adopted. These processes include the use of renewable energy and gasification.

3. Blue Fuel burns ultra-clean because it is a simple, hydrogen-rich, oxygenated fuel with a short carbon chain and no direct carbon-to-carbon bonds (CH3–O–CH3). The carbon molecules in Blue Fuel attach to the oxygen, which makes the carbon burn more completely and cleanly. Blue Fuel produces virtually no particulate matter and no visible smoke. It also produces 90% less NOx (nitrogen oxides) than conventional diesel and no SOx (sulfur oxides). This translates into clean air and clear skies—and healthier, longer lives.

4. Blue Fuel burns more efficiently than diesel, which means better fuel consumption and thus lower emissions, including those of carbon dioxide.

5. Compression-ignition engines (diesels) running on Blue Fuel run significantly quieter than on diesel. Reports place it at under 80 decibels, the level of spark-ignition engines (gasoline).

6. Blue Fuel released into the atmosphere has a half-life of hours in the troposphere and days in the upper troposphere before decomposing into carbon dioxide and water. It thus never accumulates in concentrations that cause it to trap solar radiation. In other words, Blue Fuel is a non-greenhouse gas.

7. Blue Fuel is ozone-friendly.

8. Blue Fuel is non-toxic, non-carcinogenic and non-teratagenic (does not interfere with normal embryonic development).

9. Since Blue Fuel is a pressurized fuel stored in closed systems, it is difficult to spill. Further, because it is a vapor at temperatures above -25ºC, at atmospheric temperature it vaporizes and thus does not contaminate the soil.

10. Although Blue Fuel is soluble in water, the likelihood of a spill into water is low because the fuel is stored in a closed system. Regardless, it evaporates over a period of hours.


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